Menu PORTFOLIO : Summary of main worsk, Performance Consulting



As the owner of the GIANNOTTE ENGINEERING - Industrial Engineering and Consulting Office, including major orders since 2009 are the following:
• Project "Expansion and Functional Changes of Shipyard - Shipyards Southern – Viale Jonio, 150 - Taranto;
• Project "Adaptation and Functional Rehabilitation of areas used for recreational activities Oratorian Parish of S. Giovanni Bosco (First Phase);
• Project "Restructuring and Rehabilitation of existing complexes, and functional adaptation of the remaining areas used for recreational activities Oratorian Parish St. Giovanni Bosco (Second Phase);
• Design the plenum for the gas treatment plant - a Steel Mill c / o ILVA Industry- TA.

I also played, from 1999 until late 2008, the occupation as an associate of a major office of my city, as a structural designer - designer plumbing - maritime security coordinator for the execution phase of the work and cooperation in numerous construction management.

In recent years I have attended the work of:
• Detail design of the distribution of natural gas in the S.Giorgio J. (TA) basin wich consists of 5 municipalities;
• preliminary design of a network of urban distribution of fuel gas (LPG and CNG) for 30 municipalities in the province of Salerno (Cilento Basin) with the project financing and final design for 14 of them;
• Detailed design, construction supervision and coordination during the execution of urgent works to reduce risks to health and safety of workers in the hospitals of the Company AUSL TA / 1 Civil Hospital "M. Pagliari "Massafra (TA);
• Preliminary planning and preparation of the SIA inherent in the proposed installation of an LNG regasification terminal in an area overlooking the bay outside the port of Taranto (ex Yard Belleli);
• Preliminary planning for construction of energy recovery SAPIO Industries Ltd. the port of Taranto;
• preliminary design for the execution of an integrated intermodal technological district called initially "DITEK" to be carried out to sea on the enlargement of the V projecting Ilva industry;
• preliminary design of a wind farm offshore in the bay outside the port of Taranto for an installed capacity of 30 MW (10 wind turbines of 3 MW);
• Design foundations of the filtration system water cooling Unit 53-V-01 for the Refinery of Milazzo - Interconnecting System Unit 98;
• Design the tank a.c. air biofilter for the treatment of the composting afferent "workers of the plant functional adaptation integrated MSW disposal and similar, to serve the city of Taranto (Taranto incinerator), the TME S.p.A. Thermomechanical Ecology.

The following are following not only the main structural plans stamped and signed by me, but also work to which I participated as a Special Advisor to the Associate Office


Retrofitting LPG storage at Ministerial Decree of 13.10.1994 - Former AGIP Petroleum Refinery Taranto
CDR energy plant with 12.5 MW of electricity - Massafra (TA)
Design of the tank a.c. air biofilter for the treatment of the composting pertaining to work the system for the functional integrated MSW disposal and similar, to serve the city of Taranto (Taranto incinerator)
Detail design of structural steel warehouse located in Castellaneta (TA) - Via Umberto I
Detail design of structural steel warehouse located in Agro Grottaglie (MT) c.da Stingeta
Detail design of structural metal 3 warehouses located in Via Massarotti 12 - Pomarico (MT)
Detail design of structural metal shed structure located in Agro Castellaneta - in Orsanese (TA)
Detail design of metallic structures two emergency fire stairs located in a school complex in the town of Castellaneta (TA)
Detail design of metallic structures closures bypass tunnel Highway Messina - Palermo (Extension Patti - Buonfornello)
Detail design of the structure's metal gate customs control for the Guardia di Finanza (Bari Palese Airport)
Project of an industrial private in Taranto
Detail design of the metal structure of a warehouse located in the countryside of Palagiano (TA), viale Chiatona (TA)
Designing a building used as a social health Residential Health Care (RSA) in the Municipality of Concerviano (RI)
Project 4 buildings of architectural and structural (technical rooms and buildings. Offices) within the ILVA SpA


Energy plant CDR prod. 12.5 MW of electricity - Massafra (TA) - earthwork and building works
Work processing plant of automatic fire detection and extinguishing supplied to MARICENPROG from Halon 1301 to Argosistem


Construction of collection network and disposal of process water and rainwater - ISE Edison Power plant in Taranto
Adjustment with the safety, health and hygiene, elimination of architectural barriers, rehabilitation of areas contaminated by asbestos, transformation of boiler Ateneo "Bruni" Martina Franca (TA)
Plant "Recycling waste water for irrigation and artificial recharge of ground water of the Municipality of Castellaneta (TA)
System for collecting rain water in the municipal territory of Statte (TA)
Network of collection and reuse of rainwater and wastewater in the municipal territory of Statte (TA)
Hazardous waste landfill, class 2, type C from 300,000 cubic meters in total, located within the establishment Ilva oinTaranto
Water mains throughout the municipality of Statte (TA)
Technological upgrading of the refinery AgipPetroli Taranto, HRC plants, LPG, Merox
CCT settlement S.p.A. Marcegaglia Belleli former industrial area - Taranto
Extension Plant CCT S.p.A. Via Ariosto 10 - Taranto and engineering work

In my professional life I took part, among others, in the following work:
• Detail design of the distribution of natural gas in the St. George Basin Inter-Ionic (TA) consists of 5 municipalities;
• Preliminary design of a network of urban distribution of fuel gas (LPG and CNG) for 30 municipalities in the province of Salerno (Cilento Basin) with the project financing and final design for 14 of them;
• Detailed design, construction supervision and coordination during the execution of urgent works necessary to reduce risks to health and safety of workers in the hospitals of the Company AUSL TA / 1 Civil Hospital "M. Pagliari "Massafra (TA);
• Preliminary planning and preparation of the SIA inherent in the proposed installation of an LNG regasification terminal in an area overlooking the bay outside the port of Taranto (ex Yard Belleli);
• Preliminary planning for construction of energy recovery SAPIO Industries Ltd. the port of Taranto;
• Preliminary planning for the creation of a district technology integrated intermodal initially called "DITEK" to be carried out to sea on the enlargement of the V projecting Ilva;
• preliminary design of a wind farm offshore in the bay outside the port of Taranto for an installed capacity of 30 MW (10 wind turbines of 3 MW);
• Design foundations of the filtration system water cooling Unit 53-V-01 for the Refinery of Milazzo - Interconnecting System Unit 98;
• Design the tank a.c. air biofilter for the treatment of the composting pertaining to "work the system for the functional integrated MSW disposal and similar, to serve the city of Taranto (Taranto incinerator), the TME S.p.A. Thermomechanical Ecology.







Studio di Progettazione e Consulenza Industriale | Taranto | Engineering services Taranto | Studio di Ingegneria | Società di ingegneria e Project management

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