Menu COMPANY : Equipment



The hardware of the GIANNOTTE ENGINEERING is composed by six workstations connected with the available dispositions. Every workstation is especially prepared by an ergonomic point of view and it is equipped with the latest computers and monitors.
Particular importance was paid to security against data leakage or against the use of computers as logistical bases for the implementation of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) server. The adoption of antivirus software up to date allows a more effective and efficient monitoring of each terminal. The work of editing is usually done in a room dedicated to it, where there are appliances and equipment for the specific purpose (multifunction laser printer, HP plotters, large format cutter, etc.)..
GIANNOTTE ENGINEERING has also a technical and secretarial / administrative room, a CAD/ operational meetings room, which is equipped with audiovisual equipment and a local Direction.


The hardware of the GIANNOTTE ENGINEERING includes several application programs as:

Design C.A.D.
AutoDesk® - AutoCad 2010 FULL
AutoDesk® - AutoCad Architecture 2010 FULL
AutoDesk® - Revit Architecture 2010 FULL
AutoDesk® - Impression 2010
Buildware Technology - B-Sketch

Stress Analysis
AutoDesk® - ALGOR Design Check V.23.1
Concrete® - SISMICAD 11.8
Concrete® - ManDoc
2S.I. ® – PROSAP
DEMLOG® - Logitrace V.13

NEWSOFT - Hydronet

ACCA® - TerMus PE CE
ACCA® - TerMus NR
ACCA® - TerMus I
ACCA® - TerMus E

ACCA® - CerTus-PRO
ACCA® - CerTus-PN
Progetto Albatros Professional

TNO DIVISION - Program Effects





Studio di Progettazione e Consulenza Industriale | Taranto | Engineering services Taranto | Studio di Ingegneria | Società di ingegneria e Project management

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